احصائيات جوجل Why you should worry about the ukraine war - readme202 viewbug photo contests


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الرئيسية Why you should worry about the ukraine war

Why you should worry about the ukraine war

 The ongoing war in eastern Ukraine is the result of a struggle for power and influence between the West and Russia.Consider the context: The country of Ukraine is a geopolitical hotspot and has been for centuries. It is bordered by several of Europe’s biggest countries and is home to the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, and the Kerch Strait that connects it to Russia. 

It is no wonder then that throughout its history, Ukraine has been the site of numerous conflicts. In the past few years, especially, the country has been struggling to find its place in a changing geopolitical environment. On the one hand, it is a member of the European Union and NATO, countries that Russia has historically opposed and continues to oppose today.On the other hand, it is also a country that borders Russia, which is an important part of its history, culture, and identity. The ongoing war in eastern Ukraine is the result of a struggle for power and influence between these two opposing views of Ukraine.

Until 2014, Ukraine was a Soviet Socialist Republic. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Ukraine declared its independence and chose to align itself with Western countries rather than with Russia.The breakaway regions of Donetsk and Lugansk sought to join Russia instead. 

In the years that followed, Russia annexed the autonomous republic of Crimea from Ukraine and supported pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. The instability created by Russia’s actions in Ukraine led to the country’s Euromaid

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